Venu Naturopathy


Dr Arpita Hazarika

Dr Arpita Hazarika

About Dr Arpita Hazarika

More From Dr Arpita Hazarika

Ramgarh land port will give a boost to India-Bangladesh-Myanmar trade and regional development

Myanmar, Bangladesh, and India need mutual friendship in their national interest. Bangladesh's improved road and rail connectivity with India will open up new doors of trade and commerce.

Regional cooperation imperative in tackling Cyclone Mocha-type natural disasters

Cyclone Mocha only reminds us of the urgency of India-Bangladesh-Myanmar-Thailand-China-Sri Lanka cyclone management cooperation. As a start, Myanmar-Bangladesh-India trilateral cooperation is a must in this regard.

Bangladesh Army Chief's India visit is imbued with great strategic significance

India can assist Bangladesh in achieving the goal of Bangladesh’s military plan “Forces Goal 2030,” a modernization programme that aims to transform Bangladesh's army into a technologically advanced, multi-domain force by 2030.

The second anniversary of Myanmar's audacious military coup: International community found wanting

The Tatmadaw's violence, repression, and civil war in Myanmar have left people living in perpetual fear and uncertainty. The international community must restore democracy to Myanmar's youth and give displaced people like the Rohingyas new hope.

Myanmar's suspected nuclear ambitions will pose a grave threat to region

If Myanmar acquires a nuclear capability, it would be a disaster for South and Southeast Asia. A nuclear Myanmar is not in India, China, or other neighbouring countries' interests. 

India and Bangladesh: Taking neighbourhood diplomacy to the next level

India's provision of tariff-free transit facilities to Bangladesh for exports to Nepal and Bhutan is considered a major step in bilateral cooperation. Also, since India can use Chittagong seaport, not only the "Seven Sisters" of Northeast India will benefit from it, but Dhaka will also benefit

Increasing gains seen through greater Bangladesh-Northeast India connectivity

Bangladesh's Assistant High Commissioner in Guwahati. Shah Mohammad Tanveer Mansoor, feels there is a good demand for Bangladeshi products in northeast India

Will ICJ ruling open the door to Rohingyas' return to Myanmar?

By holding the military accountable for its atrocities against the Rohingya, the ICJ might create the incentive for further international action to ensure justice for all victims of Myanmar’s security forces, writes Dr Arpita Hazarika for South Asia Monitor

A prolonged refugee crisis in Bangladesh with no solution in sight

Bangladesh has suffered greatly as a result of the massive inflow of Rohingya after suffering torture and atrocities committed by the Myanmar junta